Thursday 11 November 2010

Beach Party Craze Game Cheat Codes

Beach Party Craze

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

1.Right click the shortcut icon for the game and choose properties.

2.Click on "Find target..." button and you will be directed to the
folder of the game.
3.Double click on the folder "data" to go into it.

4.Double click on the folder "Levels" to go into it.

5.Inside the folder "Levels", there is a file called "Level_01_01".
Right click on it and choose to open with notepad.

6.Once open, you can change the money you start with that level and
how many stars you will get as well for finishing that level. i.e.
[Money Value = "100"/] means you start with 100 money. So, if you
change it to [Money Value = "100000"/] basically it will put you
with 100k at the start of the level.
[Expert Time = "160" Stars = "15"/] shows that you will get 15 stars
when you finish the level in expert time. Just replace it with 3000
and you're good for the whole game i would say.

7.After finishing, close the file and save it. Take note that for one
file, it only changes for one level. So, if you want to change money
for the rest of the levels, you have to change one by one. No need
to change the stars since we already put in 3000 for the first level
which would last us the whole game.

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